Thursday, August 29, 2019

I ate it, tasting my mother's blood in every bite.

Hello lovelies! I have just finished the second textile illustration for my upcoming book of feminist fairy tales entitled Wounds: New Openings Into Old Stories. 

For this piece (which is one of the two versions of Snow White found in the book)  I wanted a simple design and a longer quote. I experimented with tea dying to make the fabric look worn, tearing it for a more ragged look and staining the edges for definition since the protagonist of the story Perchance to Dream is in such despair. I also wanted the skin of the apple to be almost artificially shiny on top of a backdrop that looked like rotting garbage.

Stay tuned for the next illustration .

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Carnivorous Geological Formations and Other Oddities of Nature

Hello lovelies! Thank you for stopping in to read about my new Short Story Bundles available as a digital download from my Etsy shop  Wild M...